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Project Monitoring

Recipient Organisations have to submit progress reports for every half year and completion reports within 2 months after completion of projects. Details should be referred to Section 5 to Appendix I of the Guide to Application.

Project and Activities Evaluation

Expected outcomes of the project in quantitative terms and expected impact to the target group should be stated. Upon commencement and completion of project, evaluation should be made to assess the effectives of the whole project.

The recipient organisation should choose one project activity for conducting pre-activity and post-activity survey. The recipient organisation should design a set of pre-activity and post-activity questionnaires for the activity, and invite participants to fill them in before and after the activity respectively. Not less than around 20% of the total participants or 50 filled questionnaires should be collected (whichever is less). The objective of the survey is to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the activity, so as to provide basis for future improvements. Survey summary of the pre-activity and post-activity questionnaires should be submitted together with the completion report of the project.

Questionnaire - Other Organisations

(For kindergartens, the completed questionnaires (in WORD format and/or use Consolidation.xls) have to be submitted together with the completion report to the Secretariat; For schools except kindergartens and NGOs, the completed questionnaires (in WORD format and/or use Consolidation.xls) of pre-test and post-test have to be submitted together with the report on completion of installation and progress report/completion report to the Secretariat respectively)